1141 Howard Gap Road
Hendersonville, NC 28792


The Adventurer Club was created to give children an opportunity to belong to an organized peer group. To join, children are invited to participate in various activities which will improve their social skills. The Adventurer Club involves children in grades 1-4 and their parents. The programming and planning for Adventurers should be simple and short, but creative. Parental involvement provides opportunities for parents to participate in the learning experience.
Community Ministries
Join one of our Sabbath school lesson study groups. Every Saturday at 9:30 am small groups get together to share what they learned from the lesson and how it has made a difference in their lives.
Sabbath Bible Studies

High School, Youth Room
Pastor James Reynaert
Collegiate 18-30, Room #308
John Krishinger

Nate Moretz, Room #105
Stephen Learned, Room #203
Mike Cabana, Room #212
Mitchell Nicholaides, #210
Jerry Nash, #211
Connie Peters, Room #301
Debbie McDonald, Room #306
Pat Moore, Room #311